

Use the Rss Own Feed authentication Follow subscription source to unlock hidden achievements.


Follow is an RSS aggregation browser that allows you to browse the content you subscribe to in a clean and refreshing way, potentially earning creative rewards based on Web3 in the future.
Currently, it is invite-only, and you can earn 20 power by checking in daily. Unlocking the achievement of authenticating subscription sources can earn you 100 power.

The reason for writing this project is to lower the usage threshold for some friends. You may have many ways to authenticate, but some friends may not know anything at all. You can patiently explain to one person, but what about ten or twenty? I was wondering whether to be so detailed while taking screenshots, but in the end, someone still asked me where to copy it.

Back to the point, let's start the authentication tutorial:

Subscribe to My List#




This requires 10 power, setting a threshold to prevent abuse and resale, while also promoting my own list.👻
Once subscribed, you can find the transaction hash in 'follow transaction records.'



Self-Service Authentication#

Use the transaction hash to complete self-verification on this website🏹

After successful verification, copy the subscription address to subscribe in follow.


Then authenticate.


Choose one of the three authentication methods, copy the corresponding content, and replace it in the template.😊
Select the second one.

Paste it here.
Update the template and return to follow for authentication.

Finally, I wish everyone to use Follow soon! 🎉

ps: When I previewed after writing, two images from xlog's image hosting didn't load, so that's it, bye.

This message is used to verify that this feed (feedId:72306516553458688) belongs to me (userId:67894390639527936). Join me in enjoying the next generation information browser https://follow.is.

Ownership of this post data is guaranteed by blockchain and smart contracts to the creator alone.